Thursday, May 16th, 2024

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HILARIOUS: Arrogant celebrities threaten “total Hollywood strike” until every last person in America gets “vaccinated” and “boosted” for covid

HILARIOUS: Arrogant celebrities threaten “total Hollywood strike” until every last person in America gets “vaccinated” and “boosted” for covid

(Natural News) Until every last person in the country agrees to get “vaccinated” and “boosted” for covid, Hollywood celebrities are threatening to strike indefinitely.

Describing it as a “massive, all-round Hollywood strike,” the leftist elite in Los Angeles, the City of (Fallen) Angels, plan to no longer make their smutty television shows and movies, which they arrogantly claim represents “the base of the entire modern American culture.”

Speaking on behalf of “humanity’s better nature,” these Hollywood elitists claim to be the best that America has to offer. (Related: In 2020, Hollywood announced plans to release a new film depicting Jesus as a lesbian woman.)

“It’s about time people understood that we’re the ones with the power and that our audiences are there to serve us, not the other way around,” a spokesperson from the group said.

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“We’re calling for a general strike that would include every single person involved in making motion pictures in Hollywood, starting with the actors and celebrities themselves and encompassing companies in charge of making props, movie memorabilia and even souvenir shops.”

Hollywood elitists say their movies and TV shows are “the foundation of the country” and the “glue that’s holding it together”

Among the names included in this proposed strike are Rosie O’Donnell, Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Gene Simmons. There are also dozens of others who are threatening at least a one-month strike unless “vaccine dodgers” agree to get injected.

“Millions of people in the U.S. and around the world are filled with deep anxiety, fear and disgust,” they say. “Our anguish is right and just. Our anger must now become massive resistance – before anti-vaxxers become emboldened and failing to do your duty to humanity becomes normalized.”

Others in Hollywood want a strike that lasts much longer than just one month. Until every last American has rolled up his or her sleeve for shot after shot and booster after booster, these folks plan to never again appear on the little or big screens.

When asked why they feel so strongly about this issue, a spokesperson for these Hollywood celebrities explained that the entertainment industry is “the foundation of the country, so to speak, the glue that’s holding it together.”

“And think about what happens when you destroy the foundation of a house. It comes crashing down, right?” the spokesperson added.

“Well, that’s exactly what’s going to happen to America unless the unvaccinated realize how real the danger of that actually is, and choose to voluntarily roll up their sleeves and get jabbed. And while we’re on the subject, between you and me – nobody wants Hollywood to stop doing its thing, but this is a necessary move.”

Aniston is particularly upset at anti-vaxxers, so much so that she has actually threatened her own unvaccinated friends that she will never again speak to them unless they get fully jabbed and boosted just like she is.

“If you have the variant, you are still able to give it to me,” Aniston told InStyle magazine last September.

“I may get slightly sick but I will not be admitted to a hospital and or die. But I can give it to someone who does not have the vaccine and whose health is compromised (or has a previous existing condition) – and therefore I would put their lives at risk.”

Aniston added that she is so worried about her unvaccinated friends catching covid from her that she is willing to cut them out of her life completely unless they comply with her demands.

“We have to care about more than just ourselves,” she wrote on Instagram along with a photo of embroidery stating that: “What doesn’t kill you mutates and tries again.”

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