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GOT CLOT SHOT CARDITIS? Myocarditis commercial for CHILDREN conveniently leaves out the most likely cause

GOT CLOT SHOT CARDITIS? Myocarditis commercial for CHILDREN conveniently leaves out the most likely cause

(Natural News) Is your child suffering from Pfizer-carditis? He or she is not alone. In fact, millions of children around the world suddenly develop a severely inflamed heart after getting the Fauci Flu shot, and the medical industry just can’t seem to figure out why. Actually, they know, and it’s made more than obvious with the latest commercial about how there’s a growing number of children whose hearts are suddenly swollen and inflamed, but don’t worry, because that won’t ruin their dreams. The parents just need to drag their kids back to the doctor for lots of diagnostic tests run by the same folks that injected them with millions of toxic spike protein prions that clogged their blood and inflamed their heart muscle. Simple as that.

According to the vaccine industrial complex commercial, there is no link between the Covid-19 clot shots and myocarditis, just some strange new phenomenon of the last two years where kids’ heart muscle and surrounding tissue become severely inflamed and they need drugs, counter-shock treatment (pediatric cardioversion), pacemakers, and possibly critical surgery to survive.

Here’s the commercial that completely ignores the vaccine-induced myocarditis that the vaccine inserts actually warn about (that nobody reads, including doctors and nurses to their patients):

Pfizer-carditis now sweeping the nation and world, affecting even healthy adults, teens and kids

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Got clot-shot-induced carditis, also known as Pfizer-carditis? When a human being has long, rubbery clots that contain blood, sodium, and heavy metals clogging their vascular system, the heart becomes strained and can beat irregularly. The clot shot makers can’t admit this on the television or YouTube because that’s where all of their allopathic-brainwashed “traffic” goes to get their information. Follow the bouncing ball, like a little kid doped-up on clot shots.

Yes, the VSRF (Vaccine Safety Research Foundation) is shining a light on the latest pandemic to sweep the country – Clot Shot Carditis. Has your child been complaining of CSC and “stomach aches?”

The commercial says you better run them to the hospital for some diagnostic tests, so they can later tell you it’s a genetic problem that’s inherited. Let’s strap the kid onto the table and start that pediatric cardioversion treatment. Maybe get a coronavirus booster shot while you’re there, and “kill two birds with one stone” (or maybe two birds and a child).

Last year Pfizer ran a commercial recruiting children for their clot shot clinical trials, and now, one year later, there’s a commercial that mysteriously addresses a massive uptick in pediatric heart inflammation cases, without even mentioning the Fauci Flu jabs every single one of them most likely received. Hello, elephant in the room.

Still, it’s all about being “brave” and “helping others” when you’re in a hospital bed, wondering why your heart suddenly doesn’t function correctly anymore and you’re just a kid or teenager. What kind of dream is that? Sounds much more like a real-life nightmare.

Hey kids, do you have the “courage” to ruin your heart, your immune system, and your vital cleansing organs by filling them with virus-mimicking spike protein prions? Just step right up and roll up your sleeve, this won’t hurt a bit, until your Pfizer-carditis develops and you need shock treatment to live.

What ever happened to the FDA removing harmful products from the market that are proven to cause health detriment, serious side effects and death? Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental “vaccines” that cause children, teens and adults severe inflammation of the heart.

Sources for this article include:


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