Saturday, May 04th, 2024

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Dr. Leana Wen is now being rejected by the Fauci Flu propaganda machine for not being 100% compliant with the scamdemic LIES

Dr. Leana Wen is now being rejected by the Fauci Flu propaganda machine for not being 100% compliant with the scamdemic LIES

(Natural News) It wasn’t long ago that Dr. Leana Wen, medical tyrant and vaccine shill, demanded 100 percent compliance of all Americans when it came to getting toxic jabs for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and wearing a bacteria-breeding mask 24/7/365. She was pushing for mandatory vaccine passports worldwide also. Now, the vaccine industrial complex is rejecting everything Wen, because she’s now saying individuals should have the choice in all of this.

In other words, she’s being canceled from all speaking engagements because she’s not toeing the Fauci Flu propaganda with 100 percent compliance. The insane Left says you’re either all in or you’re all out, so this is the end of Wen. No more crisis acting for Dr. Wen. She’s done, at least for now and with the scamdemic.

All pharma shills and crisis actors must “toe the line” for the scamdemic narrative, or get booted like Dr. Leana Wen

Even though the CDC has lifted most of the COVID restrictions and mandates, and now Big Pharma is blaming Donald Trump for all the vaccine-induced injuries and deaths, no single pharma shills are allowed to denounce the scamdemic and say that individuals can choose how to protect themselves from gain-of-function Fauci Flu.

Public-health analyst and crisis actor Leana Wen came out originally as a radical for supporting every COVID mandate to the fullest, even though she wasn’t radical enough as the previous president of Planned Parenthood for them to keep her on. She first claimed that Americans would need to all comply with every COVID mandate, including vaccine passports, social distancing, lockdowns, mask-wearing 24/7 and learn to “live with COVID. That meant every person should comply with all of the conspiracy theories the CDC invented and propagated, without questioning authority or fake “science.”

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Wen is on the record saying, at the beginning of the plandemic, that Americans only have the right to travel if the Federal government says they do, and that the unvaccinated no longer have that right, until they get jabbed with billions of spike proteins and neurotoxins.

The wrath of Wen may be at its end

The great defender of bacteria-breeding masks and deadly vaccine mandates may have just ended her crisis-acting career by bucking the system. Why on earth would Dr. Wen buck the pharma system and say that the government should drop mask mandates and embrace “individual responsibility?” Is she also admitting the mask mandates were a huge mistake and detrimental to human health? The real science behind the masks reveals they actually BREED bacteria in the mouth, throat and lungs, adding to the chaos of infectious diseases and respiratory illnesses like the Fauci Flu.

Wen literally dished out advice to her fellow shills who push fake science, telling them to stay the course while under attack from natural health enthusiasts. The subject of one of her far-Left panels about this tyrannical approach was titled, “Harassment, bullying and death threats: Staying the course while under attack.”

Nearly all of Wen’s advice was unsafe and unscientific, even though she played the role of a scientific expert on TV. She had previously performed during the Boston Bombing years ago, expressing her method-acting drama to embellish and adlib stories about the wounded spectators at that event pouring into the hospital she worked at.

For now, Dr. Wen is just another crisis actor looking for work. Maybe she can play a doctor in some new sci-fi pandemic movie or series on streaming television, and try to convince viewers that what she says actually has merit.

Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental “vaccines” that cause blood clots, myocarditis and severe, chronic inflammation.

Sources include: 1 2


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