Monday, May 06th, 2024

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Whoopi Goldberg implies that abortion and infanticide are perfectly okay because “God doesn’t make mistakes” .. but don’t PEOPLE make mistakes?

Whoopi Goldberg implies that abortion and infanticide are perfectly okay because “God doesn’t make mistakes” .. but don’t PEOPLE make mistakes?

(Natural News) The View‘s Elisabeth Hasselbeck found herself in yet another moral dispute with co-host Whoopi Goldberg, who told Hasselbeck that she believes God gave women freedom of choice when it comes to abortion.

After Hasselbeck explained her views about pregnancy and unborn human life, defending the traditional pro-life position, Whoopi interjected that she believes much differently concerning God’s position on reproduction and the termination of a pregnancy. (Related: Earlier in the year, Whoopi, who is triple-vaxxed, supposedly “caught” covid).

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“As you know, God doesn’t make mistakes,” Whoopi stated. “God made us smart enough to know when it wasn’t going to work for us. That’s the beauty of giving us freedom of choice. Because I know my relationship – you know, my relationship is always choppy with God always because I have a lot of questions.”

Hasselbeck interrupted Whoopi a few times to reiterate her point, but Whoopi continued in with her belief that God made her “smart enough to know that if there are alternatives out there that can work for me, I will investigate them.”

“But I also know God said, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,’” Whoopi went on to say. “I will not make that decision for anybody else. I don’t ever think that I can make any decision for you and your family that you are not smart enough to make for yourself. And God knows my heart, and God knows most everybody’s heart.”

What makes Whoopi Goldberg think she can speak for God?

During Hasselbeck’s remarks, the audience of The View was silent. After Whoopi got done speaking, loud cheers and applause were heard in the background as she added a few closing remarks before the segment ended.

“And again, before we go, let me just point out: no one at this table is not pro-life,” Whoopi added. “Nobody is happy about having to go and get an abortion. It’s not fun. It’s a tough, tough decision.”

Hasselbeck’s quick retort to this was that God has a plan and a purpose for all human life, and never intended for women to choose murdering their unborn children as an option for unwanted pregnancy.

Whoopi then responded “in love” that she respects Hasselbeck’s position, and proceeded to point viewers to Hasselbeck’s Instagram account where she said she is sure there are crisis pregnancy center and other resources there for women to look at other options beyond an abortion.

The dispute was a relatively tame one for The View‘s standards, and the discourse between the two women remained civil. Whoopi’s views are, of course, highly questionable, especially since she seemed to be speaking on behalf of God concerning the matter.

“The level of hell where these people will reside when they die is going to be unimaginable,” wrote a commenter about the segment. “Because that is surely what these demons deserve when they deign to speak of God in such a manner.”

Another wrote that it is not a God-sanctioned free will that allows women to get abortions, but rather a free will that allows them “to give themselves over to evil” by “murdering babies.”

“She will be deposited into the pit,” this person added, referring to Whoopi and others like her who believe such things.

You will find more abortion-related news coverage at

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