Sunday, May 05th, 2024

Breaking News

Biden regime trying to STARVE schoolchildren in order to force acceptance of trans bathroom policies

Biden regime trying to STARVE schoolchildren in order to force acceptance of trans bathroom policies

(Natural News) Are you an American taxpayer? If so, you might be interested to know that Joe Biden and his criminal cabal of White House occupiers – this includes Barack Hussein Obama, who basically admitted to pulling Dementia Joe’s strings from beyond the White House – are planning to deprive public schools of federal funding, also known as your hard-earned dollars, if they refuse to bow the knee to the transgender mafia.

By the way, you can listen to Obama reveal his true plans in the video below from the channel “Themoreuknow:”

The latest news headlines reveal that the Biden regime no longer wants to fund lunches at public schools that refuse to “let boys into girls’” bathrooms, and vice versa. Either confuse children with LGBTQ propaganda or they will starve to death, is Biden’s ultimatum.

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As of now, the federal government supplements public school lunches through the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) based on their respective need. This could soon change to providing lunches based on political allegiance to far-left perversion and sexual deviancy.

A May 5 announcement from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) explains that public schools will need to update their non-discrimination policies to include special protections for “gender identity” disorders and other LGBTQ mental illnesses. If they refuse, then no more federal money will be pumped into their coffers.

“Under the leadership of the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA and FNS are issuing this interpretation to help ensure its programs are open, accessible and help promote food and nutrition security, regardless of demographics,” the USDA announcement reads.

America’s destruction is just about complete

It turns out that none of this would be possible were it not for Obama, who during his illegal White House occupation altered federal law to include special protections for people who damage their hormones and remove their genitals to try to become their “true” selves.

“Obama-era guidance interpreting Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to prohibit gender-identity discrimination stated that transgender students must be allowed to use the restroom, locker room and shower facility that matches their gender identity,” reports The Daily Caller, pointing once again to the real villain grasping at Biden’s puppet strings.

Under Biden, the USDA has now chosen to interpret the sex-based discrimination provisions in Title IX of the Education Amendments to include “gender identity” when all it was ever meant to cover was biological sex. The politicization of “science” has now been codified at the federal level, in other words.

“Noam Chomsky last year similarly called for starving the vaxxed into submission,” noted Chris Menahan from Information Liberation. “I hope Americans are taking notes for when the tables are turned.”

Will the tables actually turn, though? An entire generation and then some has now been brainwashed into accepting this transhumanist agenda as normal. And many of the ones who have not accepted it will soon find out that the price for this is exclusion from society as they will no longer be allowed to get an education, keep a job or even eat, as in the case of public schools.

“The answer is to defund and delegitimize government schools,” wrote someone at Information Liberation. “The first step would be to vote down all local property tax levies that fund government schools. A second step would be to demand that your state government replace government schools with school vouchers.”

Another wrote that federal income taxes period are illegitimate. If the beast stopped getting fed, then a great many of society’s problems, if not most or all of them, would more than likely resolve themselves.

More related news about the transgenderization of America can be found at

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