Wednesday, May 08th, 2024

Breaking News

Dr. David Martin: Monkeypox planned release is “domestic terror” operation against humanity

Dr. David Martin: Monkeypox planned release is “domestic terror” operation against humanity

(Natural News) It is undeniable, based on mounting evidence, that the new monkeypox scare is another contrived “outbreak” that has been deployed for the purpose of committing “domestic terror” against the public – which should know better by now that we are once again being scammed and terrorized.

Appearing on the “Man in America” program, Dr. David Martin told his host that the modus operandi behind this operation is nothing new. The world got a heavy dose of it all throughout the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), for which monkeypox appears to be round two.

“When you want to terrorize a population, what do you do? Turn to the experts!” Martin explained.

It turns out that monkeypox was planned, just like covid was, to be released at just this point on the timeline. And many of the same players who profited from covid are once again slated to rake in the cash from monkeypox.

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“I love to point out (that) a lot of people have been really upset about this monkeypox scheduled release on May of 2022 coming from a March 21 publication,” Martin added.

“And people sit there and go, ‘oh my gosh – how on earth could they have ever been so prescient to find out that they were going to have a monkeypox release three days away from the stated date for the alleged outbreak to occur?’”

A full 15 months before now back in March of 2021, the global architects had scheduled a later monkeypox release that landed right on schedule “plus or minus three days,” Martin notes.

“Listen, this is a willful continuation of a campaign of domestic terror, and it is done to make sure the public remains in fear and in cognitive dissonance and in the disbelief of what Plato described in The Republic,” he says.

“You know Plato in The Republic made reference to the fact that sometimes crimes are so audacious that the mere statement of their audacity paralyzes the population.”

We the People must say NO to another round of plandemic tyranny

Millions of people already have covid burnout and are unlikely to be fearful about monkeypox, recognizing that many of the same tactics are being used to spread fear and paranoia about testing “positive” for it.

On the other hand, millions of other people also bought all-in to the covid plandemic and still believe that there is some invisible threat out there just waiting to kill them and their grandmas – hence why some people are still wearing a face mask while out in public.

Which side wins out in the next wave of health wars remains to be seen. Hopefully there are enough people wide awake to what is really going on that another scheduled plandemic fails to gain traction.

The government and the media can fearmonger all they want about monkeypox, but their power ends where and when the public refuses to listen to or comply with any of it.

We the People hold far more power than we realize, after all. All it takes is for a few good men and women to take a stand against these attempted crimes against humanity, inspiring others to do the same until a snowball of resistance is formed.

“We can be glad that the CCP-Davos axis chose the comparatively benign monkey-pox over Marburg, smallpox and bird flu, for their next global pandemic hoax, justifying world depopulation through starvation and lethal injections,” commented someone at Natural News about the situation.

“I have read that shingles is a known adverse effect of the jab,” wrote another. “I searched for images on the net. Shingles and monkeypox look the same. How do doctors identify one from the other?”

The latest news about monkeypox can be found at

Sources for this article include:


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