Sunday, May 05th, 2024

Breaking News

Pediatrician hires HITMAN to KILL her ex-husband for $7,000 but hitman turns out to be undercover FBI agent

Pediatrician hires HITMAN to KILL her ex-husband for $7,000 but hitman turns out to be undercover FBI agent

(Natural News) Dr. Stephanie Russell, a pediatrician working in Louisville, Kentucky, may work to save lives as a doctor, but apparently saved some of her earnings to pay a hitman to murder her ex-husband. One problem. She hired an undercover FBI agent by accident, and put half of the $7,000 murder-for-hire fee in a drop box outside her medical office as a down payment on the hit. Oops. She was arrested May 19th on federal charges and could face a decade in federal prison for the attempt. She’s in custody now waiting for the US Attorney’s Office of the Western District of Kentucky to put the screws to her instead of her ex-husband.

Doctors kill more people than gun owners – Who knew?

They say doctors in America kill more people than guns, and this, had it worked out, would have added to that statistic. It’s true. There are 700,000 physicians in the USA and 120,000 “accidental deaths” caused by them. That calculates to a rate of .171 death per physician. Conversely, there are 80 million gun owners in the USA, and only 1,500 accidental deaths from guns yearly, which computes a gun-caused death rate of .0000188. That tells us that doctors are 9,000 times more likely to kill you than a gun owner.

The Democrats in DC are screaming for gun control, meaning full confiscation of all guns, every time there’s a mass shooting, but it’s not the guns that are killing people, it’s the psychotic people on psychotropic drugs and the doctors who sling those suicide-meds as if they were vitamin C.

Every time there’s a mass shooting in America, we find out days later that the shooter(s) were in and out of mental wards and taking SSRI depression and anxiety drugs. Even when taken as directed, these “patients” experience massive mood swings and side effects that include feelings of homicide and suicide. Many carry out those drug-induced emotions and thoughts. We need Big Pharma control and the banning of SSRIs, not guns. That’s what’s killing so many people. Now we’ve got a physician in jail for allegedly hiring an undercover FBI agent to kill her ex-husband.

Ban SSRIs, not guns, and the mass shootings will all but disappear as a mass death statistic in America

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Physicians and psychiatrists who sling SSRIs are just glorified drug dealers who are literally accomplices to these mass shootings and suicides we see plastered all over the news so frequently in America, yet the DRUGS are never mentioned by the mass media, because they are the big money makers. Plus, mass shootings are always the catapult for gun control propaganda and legislation, so the tyranny in Washington DC can try to take complete control of the populace by disarming the 80 million gun owners.

It’s never going to happen. What we need is a “disarming” of the doctors who sling these drugs, and pharma-control legislation that “confiscates” the SSRIs once and for all. The war on drugs is real, but it’s not so much about street drugs; it’s more about doctor-prescribed drugs. Let that sink in for a minute. This deserves much careful consideration.

You never hear about these dangerous mind-altering drugs being the culprit of mass shootings, but they usually are. Nearly every mass shooting that’s happened over the past two decades involved teenage boys and young adult men who were taking these drugs. It doesn’t take a genius or FBI investigations to figure out that SSRIs are the real serial killers. We need pharma control legislation in this country. Let’s all push for THAT.

Tune your internet frequency to for updates on doctors and their evil schemes that kill more Americans than guns.

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