Sunday, May 05th, 2024

Breaking News

Just How Bad Is The Batch Of COVID-19 Shot You May Have Taken? – Take A Look! (Video)

Just How Bad Is The Batch Of COVID-19 Shot You May Have Taken? – Take A Look! (Video)

Since the entire plandemic is nothing more than a psyop to cover up the rollout of 5g effects on the population, consider that the world is still in experimental testing of these shots. They are the furthest thing from “safe and effective.” However, since they are still in trials and you, the public, are the lab rats, there are placebos mixed in, along with different dosages of the poison, and you’re playing a game of Russian Roulette if you submit to the fear and propaganda.

So, if you took the shot, perhaps you are wondering, how bad is the batch that I was given?

The Expose has your answer. Support them if you are able.

An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines several times, meaning deadly batches of the experimental injections have now been identified.

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Now, Craig-Paardekooper has created an online app that we have chosen to host at The Expose, allowing you to search for the batch code of Covid-19 vaccine that you received (or any batch code) and see how many deaths, adverse reactions, disabilities and hospitalisations are associated with that code.

Search the ‘How bad is my batch’ app now

Scientists compared variability between Flu vaccine lots with variability between Covid vaccine lots, and were shocked to find EXCESSIVE and HIGHLY UNUSUAL degree of variation between different lots of the Covid vaccines.

When 22,000 flu vaccine lots were examined, almost all of them produced 5 or fewer severe adverse reactions per lot. Only 2 lots exceeded this (22 SAEs and 37 SAEs)

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When the same number of Covid vaccines were compared, there was found to be huge variation – with many lots producing 5 or fewer severe adverse reactions , but many others producing 1000-5000 severe adverse reactions.

So the coefficient of variation for Covid vaccines is 1000% – compared to the coefficient of variation for flu vaccines (which is 99%)

In other words, Covid vaccines vary 10 times more than flu vaccines.

Under FDA regulations, such high variation between different lots and between different manufacturers means the drugs are ADULTERATED, and carries significant legal penalties.

Such variation may also negate EUA authorisation – which is only granted based on consistency of the product.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media
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