Saturday, May 04th, 2024

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Rate of adverse events caused by coronavirus vaccines 50x higher than flu shots

Rate of adverse events caused by coronavirus vaccines 50x higher than flu shots

(Natural News) The number of people suffering serious adverse events following vaccination for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is 50 times higher than the number for seasonal flu shots, new reports indicate.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is seeing a surge in new cases of COVID-19 vaccine injury that is massively outpacing similar cases for influenza vaccines and other jabs.

Through Dec. 22, with fewer than one million doses of China virus vaccines distributed, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) VAERS platform received 307 reports of emergency room visits, as well as 17 “life threatening” events.

There have also been a number of deaths reported, which is deeply concerning when considering the fact that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines have only been available to the public for less than a month.

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“In 2019-2020, about 175 million flu vaccine doses were given,” tweeted former New York Times reporter and Tell Your Children author Alex Berenson.

“1220 ER visits and 73 ‘life threatening’ events were reported. The data is on the CDC VAERS Website.”

Despite offering a few caveats for why there is this massive disparity, Berenson was basically forced to conclude that something is seriously wrong with COVID-19 vaccines that is causing a much higher share of patients to fall seriously ill or die after getting jabbed.

“… the first Covid vaccine doses have mostly been given to healthy people in settings where problems can be quickly treated,” Berenson notes, further indicting the jabs for affecting healthy people in a profoundly negative way.

“These problems are occurring BEFORE the rollout to older, less healthy people – and before the 2nd dose, which is known to be far more dangerous.”

Put bluntly, only stupid people are getting vaccinated for coronavirus

In the end, all of this simply confirms what Berenson admits was recognizable in the clinical trials – even though we know that clinical trials tend to understate real-world problems rather than overstate them.

“… because any smart drug company will try to bias the trials in its favor,” Berenson says.

All of that to say, getting vaccinated for the WuFlu is an exceptionally dangerous endeavor, especially since Big Pharma holds no liability for injury or death. Vaccine-injured people are completely on their own, in other words.

Considering the risk of getting sick, let alone dying, from the Chinese virus itself is next to nil, it makes no sense whatsoever to get vaccinated for it – especially when the risk of being harmed from the vaccine is higher than the risk of developing symptoms from natural infection.

The medical deep state will continue to push it on the masses, of course, even try to make it mandatory, but stand your ground and just say no, for the protection of you and your family.

And kudos to Berenson for being brave enough to tell the truth about these shots when so many others refuse to do so. Anthony Fauci and everyone else peddling them are guilty of crimes against humanity, and their day will come – hopefully sooner rather than later.

“It’s an experimental vaccine, i.e. not fully tested even according to the manufacturer’s schedule, and therefore must fall under the umbrella of human rights violations if it’s forced upon people,” wrote one Zero Hedge commenter.

“It also violates the Nuremberg Code of informed consent,” another responded. “These vax companies and Bill Gates know just how deadly they are … and vax companies are immune from prosecution for death or injury from the vax. Gates needs to be hanged from a lamppost and left swinging like a piñata while we have a shot at him with bats.”

More of the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found at

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