Thursday, May 02nd, 2024

Breaking News

President Trump tweets “Martial law = Fake News” because he knows the Insurrection Act isn’t martial law

President Trump tweets “Martial law = Fake News” because he knows the Insurrection Act isn’t martial law

(Natural News) Late last night, President Trump tweeted out, “Martial law = Fake News.”

This comes on the heels of increasing calls by Gen. Michael Flynn, attorney Lin Wood, attorney Sidney Powell and many others who are calling on Trump to deploy the military in a limited role to seize ballots and voting machines in swing states where obvious election fraud occurred.

Most Americans incorrectly equate the Insurrection Act with martial law. But Trump knows better.

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“Martial law” describes a scenario where the Constitution is suspended, elected officials are no longer in charge, and society is run by military generals.

The “Insurrection Act” refers to the law passed by Congress and ratified by the President in 1807. It is entirely constitutional and lawful and has been invoked at least 21 times by previous presidents, all without anything resembling “martial law.”

President Trump can invoke the Insurrection Act, deploy military troops to secure ballots and voting machines, then remove those troops from the streets all without invoking “martial law” of any kind.

In today’s Situation Update (for Dec. 20th), I cover Trump’s apparent shift to an entirely different strategy that would seize ballots and voting machines without using the military in any way whatsoever. This parallel strategy depends on naming a new special counsel who has wide-ranging authority to issue subpoenas and criminal indictments. Sidney Powell is reportedly being considered for precisely this position, for all the reasons I explain in the podcast:

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