Friday, May 03rd, 2024

Breaking News

Human Genome 8 & MRNA Vaccine (Video)

Human Genome 8 & MRNA Vaccine (Video)

Since the last article and video done for Sons of Liberty Media, this writer has been sitting still, so to speak, to see what communication, guidance, and lessons God is sending. It is a deep breath moment to clear the waters and refill the spirit using God’s Word and prayer. After reading God’s Word for hours last night, sleep came easily with peaceful dreams crossing the picture screen of the mind. Awaking early, as usual, and with the morning coffee contained in the usual cup, perusal of the usual sources began. However, a new urging to finish the account setups on BitChute and Lbry occurred. After doing so, there was a video on Lbry that garnered attention. After watching it, a search began for information based on some claims put forth early on in the video.

It is divine providence that has led to the discovery of information that needs to be urgently shared. Bear with the information as some of it is quite technical, even for a retired registered professional nurse. But, sometimes, only one simple sentence contained in an extremely technical piece can be an eye-opener.

First, let’s start with the video from Max Igan @thecrowhouse on uploaded on December 4, 2020. You can watch the entire video at your leisure. But for now, excerpts from Mr. Igan’s video are contained in the created video that indicates what Mr. Igan proposed is entirely plausible due to the research conducted and the deductions made.

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It is very important to get this information out. Bill Gates admits the mRNA vaccine will alter your DNA but does not indicate which part of the DNA will be altered. As has been postulated, human genome 8: primary assembly is the most logical because of its function in immunity, disease risk/susceptibility, and some brain and nervous system functions. Moreover, human genome 8: primary assembly is shown to be extensively mapped and studied to know where in the genome alterations need to occur to change those functions.

As the “sitting still” continues and any additional urgent information is discovered, it will be conveyed as soon as possible; however, full return will not occur until God’s message is clear. Be vigilant, prayerful, and informed. It is up to us all to arm ourselves with information and God’s word to resist tyranny and actions against us that intend to do us harm.


Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Suzanne Hamner (pen name) is a registered nurse, grandmother of 4, and a political independent residing in the state of Georgia, who is trying to mobilize the Christian community in her area to stand up and speak out against tyrannical government, invasion by totalitarian political systems masquerading as religion and get back to the basics of education.
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