Friday, May 03rd, 2024

Breaking News



Americans by and large on all sides feel like something is brewing over the upcoming election. Many of them are stocking up on military gear in advance to prepare for the already promised violence that’s coming down the pike regardless of who is selected to “win” in a mere 9 days.

Conflict is already on America’s streets in 2020, and “tactical apparel” has become a lifestyle industry serving militarized law-enforcement agents and the freelance gunmen who emulate them. Less than two weeks before Election Day, orders are rolling in as the public attempts to ensure they are protected from the violence, according to a report by Fortune.

“It doesn’t matter who gets elected,” founder Roman Zrazhevskiy said of his new customers. “They think that no matter who wins, Biden or Trump, there are going to be people who are upset about the result.” This is exactly how the ruling class is going to play this. They have already planned this out.

“It’s evidence of what many people have been expressing concern about for the last six months — the stress associated with the pandemic, a frustration or anger about various government mitigation efforts and a belief that those efforts are infringing on their individual liberties,” said Elizabeth Neumann, a former assistant secretary for threat prevention at the Department of Homeland Security.

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“We’ve seen a large increase [of participation in militia groups] since April — it’s only getting bigger,” said Josh Ellis, owner of, which allows users to find groups near them. The fastest-growing, four-month-old Angry Viking, has signed up 1,500 members and has “thousands” waiting to join, according to leader Dylan Stevens, a 41-year-old from Houston who was a personal trainer until Covid-19 hit.

This election has been promised to be violent. The best way to prepare is to stay out of any melee to the best of your ability. Personally, I have no intention of going anywhere in the days leading up to or after the election. Be safe, be prepared, and this might be a food time to practice the “ray man” skill.

Courtesy of SHTFplan

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