Saturday, May 04th, 2024

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It’s Time We Have a Discussion About the Lack of Punishment for Child Predators

It’s Time We Have a Discussion About the Lack of Punishment for Child Predators

Earlier this week, QAnon and any material related to it was banned from YouTube. For months, QAnon has been muddying the waters of actual child sex trafficking by claiming it is reserved to high-profile Democrats and Hollywood celebrities who are ritually sacrificing children as part of some satanic cabal. President Donald Trump is portrayed as the hero who is fighting this cabal behind the scenes.

It is important to note that TFTP never supports censorship of peaceful information on any level even if it is misguided and verifiably false. It is not up to some big tech or government arbiter of truth to tell us what to believe. And, as we can tell from the massive spread of disinformation among unprecedented censorship, it doesn’t work and only creates divide and extremism. Despite the ban, rest assured that the disinformation will continue to flow out of the QAnon arena further muddying the waters even more. As YouTube bans QAnon, the group will likely claim that it validates their claims and the elite are trying to silence them for exposing the democrats for trafficking children.

In the meantime, however, real, Federally and State prosecuted cases involving the abuse and trafficking of actual real children will remain a topic in the back seat to the drama and censorship playing out before us. This is a problem.

Contrary to what many disinformation agents will lead you to believe child sex abuse is not reserved to the the Deep State, Democratic party, and Hollywood, Republicans are regularly caught committing the same acts. What’s more, while elite politicians are caught committing these child sex crimes like former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, the scope of the problem is far greater. A potential reason this problem has reached epidemic proportions is the lack of punishment these monsters face after hurting children.

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Hundreds of thousands of Americans are currently incarcerated in the land of the free for “crimes” which have no victims. Innocent people, whose only crime was getting caught with small amounts of a plant are serving years behind bars, yet child predators routinely receive insultingly low sentences — especially child predator cops.

Just this week, TFTP reported on the case of former Honolulu police officer Kramer Aoki who was sentenced on Tuesday for his crimes against a 17-year-old girl. During a traffic stop, Aoki abused his power and sexually assaulted the teenage girl in his custody.

For sexually assaulting an underage girl while on duty, Aoki faced a maximum sentence of five years. While five years is still fairly low for his crimes, what he actually received was disgusting. Aoki will serve just 14 days in jail, will not have to register as a sex offender, and if he abides by the terms of his plea agreement, the charge will be wiped from his record.

But that’s not all.

Disgraced Lansing police officer Matthew Priebe pleaded no contest to a slew of charges including second-degree criminal sexual conduct, attempted fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct, misconduct in office and two counts of assault and battery. The charges all stemmed from his role as a school resource officer and the repeated sexual assault of multiple young girls while on the job.

In exchange for his no-contest plea, prosecutors dropped the charge of distributing sexually explicit material to a minor — in spite of those same prosecutors having the photos of Priebe’s erect penis that he sent to the children. The Livingston County Prosecutor William Vailliencourt said that Priebe’s plea deal would guarantee that he would spend no more than 12 months in jail.

The disgusting list goes on.

Donald Fair, 45, a former El Paso County Sheriff’s deputy, received ZERO jail time after pleading guilty to sexually exploiting a young boy by creating child pornography and sharing it on the internet. Fair struck a deal with prosecutors where he received 10 years of probation instead.

Fair reportedly took explicit images of a young boy and posted them on a dark-web pedophilia site with the caption “If this interests you, email me back … and we can talk.”

Our archives are full of cops who escape accountability for preying on children. One could easily chock this up to their blue privilege and many times it is. But civilians often receive the same lack of punishment.

In the country with the world’s largest prison population, who sentences non-violent offenders to life in prison for a plant, one would think that kidnapping and child rape charges would likely land a person in prison for a very long time. However, one would be wrong.

Michael Wysolovski, 33, admitted to luring a 15-year-old girl to his home in 2016 where he engaged in abusive sexual torture for over a year. He kept his victim in a dog cage and let her out only to rape her. These horrific acts carried out on an innocent child, however, went unpunished and this sick monster avoided jail.

Wysolovski was sentenced to 10 years in prison with all of that time suspended after pleading guilty to just two charges of first-degree cruelty to children and interstate interference with custody.

Yes, this list too, goes on.

William Edward Miller Jr., 51, reportedly raped a 14-year-old girl and later forced an 11-year-old boy to have sex with her as he watched. He was charged with 64 counts of sexual abuse of children. Police also discovered images and videos of child pornography and bestiality on his phone and personal computer. Police were tipped off about the files when Miller began calling friends from jail and asking them to destroy his laptop.

Despite overwhelming evidence that Miller is a child predator, and despite the trove of child pornography found on his laptop and phone, Miller received a slap on the wrist in the form of a deferred sentence — meaning he spent no time in jail.

Jeff Calica, a convicted child rapist was given a sentence of probation for repeatedly sexually abusing a 12-year-old girl. Although the judge sentenced Calica to three years in prison, he suspended all of them and placed the child predator on probation instead.

Unfortunately, it’s not only children either. TFTP has reported on hundreds of thousands of rape kits that sit on shelves in police departments across the country as police refuse to investigate them. In some instances, they are destroyed without any investigation taking place.

The fact is that this article could go on forever listing cops, relatives of politicians, politicians, and regular citizens who have received little to no jail time for committing horrifying criminal acts against society’s most vulnerable.

QAnon can talk all they want about some deep state secret cabal made of Democrats and movie stars who sacrifice children but the reality is far worse. America has a child sex abuse problem and the justice system seems more concerned with putting nonviolent drug users and people unable to pay their traffic tickets in prison.

When someone goes to jail for months over a suspended license while countless child rapists walk, this is evidence that our system is broken. If people would devote as much time to these verifiable, factual, and provable disgusting crimes that have gone unpunished, instead of focusing on “pizzagate,” perhaps we wouldn’t be in this situation.

Next time you or someone you know is tempted to hit share on some ridiculous article claiming child sex trafficking only takes place in the left wing and Hollywood, remember this article that proves this horror film is taking place right in front of us and the “justice system” — comprised of both parties — appears to be entirely unconcerned.

Courtesy of TFTP

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, and now on Minds.

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