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‘Woke’ Seattle: 118 police officers quit; PD dangerously understaffed

‘Woke’ Seattle: 118 police officers quit; PD dangerously understaffed

This post first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds

Seattle, Washington is reaping the “woke” mayor Jenny Durkan and city council’s indulgence of violent left-wing radicals.

No need to defund the police. The police are defunding themselves by quitting.

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First, it was Police Chief Carmen Best, the city’s first Black police chief, who resigned last August when the Seattle City Council approved historic cuts to the Seattle Police Department, including a $100,000 paycut for Best. See DCG’s post, “BLM achieves justice in Seattle: First black police chief resigns“.

Now, some 118 police officers have left the Seattle PD en masse.

Jason Rantz reports for KTTH AM770 that on October 16, 2020, the City of Seattle unveiled data showing at least 118 Seattle police officers had left the department in recent months, including even new recruits. In just the month of September, 39 officers quit, when the typical number for that month is between 5 and 7.

At the same time, the Seattle PD’s Human Resources Department disingenuously is withholding staffing numbers, ignoring a public disclosure request from KTTH’s Jason Rantz Show. According to reporter Ranz, “it seems apparent that they purposefully withheld them.”

Mike Solan, President of Seattle Police Officers Guild, said: “This is fixable if our elected leaders start supporting police, instead of pandering to a large activist crowd that’s dividing us when we need unity. False narratives about good people doing policing, pushed by the defund movement, is making our public safety efforts devolve further.”

The departure of 118 police officers leaves only about 1,200 officers in service for the entire city, the lowest it’s been in two decades. Even this number is misleading because many officers are using their accrued sick time as they begin their escape to other agencies or wait for retirement.

Since the population of Seattle in 2019 was estimated to be 753,675, by my calculation, that means the city now has one police officer for every 628 residents, or 15.92 officers per 10,000 population:

The formula used to calculate the rate per 10,000 population is:

Number of police officers (12,000) divided by total population (753,675) times 10,000 = 15.92 officers per 10,000 population

According to, the average number of police officers per 10,000 population for cities with 500,000 or more in population is 24.3.

Read the rest at FOTM

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