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‘Kinda Boring Out Here’ — Not A Single Person Showed Up To Biden Event In Arizona

‘Kinda Boring Out Here’ — Not A Single Person Showed Up To Biden Event In Arizona

No people, no Biden lawn signs, no visible support except from Democrat-media complex.

The polls are bs – big, fat lies just like 2016.
Brutal news report shows no one showed up for major Biden/Harris campaign event: 'Not much to see' - Internewscast

But the MSM insists that Joe Biden is up by double digits over President Trump. The Democrats and the MSM are engaged in a terrible scam against the American people, who they clearly think are stupid. Trump2020!

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Brutal news report shows no one showed up for major Biden/Harris campaign event: ‘Not much to see’

By The Blaze, October 12 2020

When a presidential campaign stops in your city just weeks before the election, there is significant fanfare: Droves of supporters and protesters turn out, there is a massive security presence, and national media from most major networks cover the event.

But when Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris stopped in Phoenix late last week, hardly anyone showed up.

What happened?

A news report gaining significant attention online shows KSAZ-TV reporter Nicole Garcia describing a Biden/Harris campaign stop last week in which not a single person was in sight.

“Not a lot of fanfare out here,” Garcia reported. “There’s really not much to see. I’ll step out of the way, but it’s kinda boring out here. So, it’s not your typical presidential campaign event; we don’t see people rallying outside, we don’t see signs or really much of what’s going on.”

During Garcia’s report, her cameraman panned behind her, showing not a soul in sight other than a lone police car.

Garcia contacted the Biden campaign about the lack of fanfare and supporters. The campaign claimed details about the event were not widely publicized because of the coronavirus.

“I’m told by one of the local Biden staffers is that they kinda kept the details about the visit, as far as the timing and the exact locations, they didn’t really want to give that out to the public, because they want to keep the crowds to a minimum,” Garcia reported.

“Pretty much all the people that we saw enter into the parking lot about 45 minutes ago were with the Biden/Harris campaign and the pool reporters,” she explained. “So, you would expect to see — I mean, this is a pretty big event for the two of them to be campaigning together for the first time since the Democratic National Convention. Here in Arizona, our state has established itself as a battleground state, and so this is technically a big event, but not a lot of fanfare.”

Biden and Harris were in Phoenix to meet with Native American tribal leaders at the Heard Museum. They also kicked off their national “Soul of the Nation” bus tour — but no one was there to celebrate with the campaign.

“This is a huge event politically, but you can’t tell,” Garcia went on to say.

Article posted with permission from Pamela Geller

h/t TWS


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