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Bill Gates turns on CDC and FDA, insists they can’t be trusted with Trump in charge

Bill Gates turns on CDC and FDA, insists they can’t be trusted with Trump in charge

(Natural News) Both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can no longer be trusted, according to billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, because President Trump is not overseeing these agencies the way Gates would like.

During a recent interview, Gates whined about how Trump is supposedly engaged in “political meddling” at the FDA, which, according to Gates, used to be “the world’s premier public health authority.”

Speaking to Bloomberg News, Gates expressed what we can only describe as anti-vaccine skepticism, which is odd for a pharmaceutical fiend who quite literally lives to vaccinate.

The CDC has also lost credibility, according to Gates, because its emphasis and methods have shifted with Trump at the helm. What Gates sees as credible and in the best interests of public health and welfare have become “casualties of a presidency that has downplayed or dismissed science and medicine in the pursuit of political gain.”

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Gates is particularly upset about FDA head Stephen Hahn’s decision to “backtrack” on the agency’s statement concerning convalescent plasma, which Trump recently announced as a treatment option for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) patients.

“We saw with the completely bungled plasma statements that when you start pressuring people to say optimistic things, they go completely off the rails,” Gates droned.

“The FDA lost a lot of credibility there,” he added.

As for the CDC, Gates says that this agency had likewise been “viewed as the best in the world,” but that “there’s been some cracks with some of the things they’ve said at the commissioner level.”

Bill Gates loves Operation Warp Speed, but wants more money for “manufacturing and procurement” of vaccines

The only good thing that Gates had to say about anything Trump is doing pertained to “Operation Warp Speed,” a program created by Trump and headed by a former GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) executive that aims to mass-distribute Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines just as soon as they come off the fast-tracked production line.

If it were up to Gates, however, the program would be massively expanded to infuse considerably more funding for the “manufacturing and procurement” of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, especially in poorer areas of the world.

Another $8-$10 billion in funding to create permanent supply chains for pharmaceuticals and vaccines in the Third World would save the U.S. “trillions” in lost economic output, according to Gates.

“The inequity of this – whether it’s between citizens in the country, blue collar versus white collar, blacks experiencing a higher sickness rate than others – poor countries can’t borrow money and spend money like the U.S. and other rich countries have,” Gates contends.

“Almost every dimension of inequity has been accentuated here.”

When asked about the fact that tens of millions of Americans now see Gates as a “polarizing figure” in the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) era, Gates dismissed the notion that he has ulterior motives as “conspiracy theories,” which he called “crazy.”

Gates also blamed social media companies like Facebook and Twitter for accommodating the spread of these “conspiracy theories,” which Gates seems to agree has caused irreversible damage to his reputation and public image. This is in spite of the fact that Gates is not even remotely qualified to be talking about any of these subjects, let alone influencing public policy with his opinions.

“To sum up: Gates doesn’t think you should trust bureaucratic institutions (which, by extension, includes Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx) anymore,” reports Zero Hedge. “Just trust him.”

Asked about Gates’ comments during an interview on Squawk Box Tuesday morning, White House advisor Jared Kushner largely brushed them aside.

If this story piqued your interest around the subject of mass vaccination and the plandemic, you can find more like it at

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