Sunday, May 05th, 2024

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Black militants are now anti-White, anti-Jew, anti-Israel: Armed Black extremists vow to “take Texas” as BLM protesters declare “death to Israel and America”

Black militants are now anti-White, anti-Jew, anti-Israel: Armed Black extremists vow to “take Texas” as BLM protesters declare “death to Israel and America”

(Natural News) The militant, extremist Black Lives Matter movement is not only being directly funded by hundreds of U.S. corporations who are overtly attempting to overthrow America, now BLM has spawned the rise of even more extreme, militant groups that are pledging to use force to overthrow U.S. states like Texas.

Hundreds of members of the NFAC — Not F#cking Around Coalition — marched near Atlanta over the weekend, dressed in all-black uniforms and carrying AR-15s and other similar weapons as they shouted their demands for defeating Texas and launching a new “Black ethnostate” inside the USA.

Described by one of its members as the “backbone for the military of a new Black nation,” the NFAC has adopted an aggressive, confrontational tone that implies kinetic conflict with Whites and the U.S. government. And why not? Since “Black lives” have now been given the ultimate black privilege / black supremacy across America, it seems there’s no demand that’s a bridge too far.

Their plans include filing a “Declaration of Liberation,” in which they claim they will declare every Black person in America to be a “political prisoner” while demanding the U.S. government hand over territory that the NFAC will take over for their own “Black ethnostate.”

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They want another CHAZ, in other words, but on a larger scale. The black-on-black shootings would no doubt start immediately, and the Black ethnostate would quickly collapse into a Haiti-style sh#thole, but that’s already obvious to everyone. Nowhere on earth has an armed, angry Black mob ever created a peaceful, fair and just society.

Listen and learn:

Here’s a still image of some of the marchers, who appear to be a cross between Antifa and Black Panthers:

They’ve also issued a direct challenge to “White militias” and seem to be itching for a confrontation. Somebody should probably tell them at some point that White militias don’t stand around in the road like idiots, waiting to be shot. They hit you with the element of surprise and defeat you before you even know what happened:

Black Lives Matter protesters call for “death to Israel” and the United States

Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter as an organization has veered strongly anti-Israel, anti-Jew and anti-Semitic in the last week or so, with BLM protesters now chanting for “death to Israel” and the United States. As Breitbart News reports:

At pro-Palestinian Black Lives Matter rallies in New York and Washington, chants were heard calling for “Death to Israel,” “Death to America” and “From Gaza to Minnesota, globalize the Intifada!”

Dequi Kioni Sadiki, the wife of former Black Panther Sekou Odinga, said: “The European Jews who occupy, slaughter and continue to force millions of Palestinians onto their killing fields called refugee and concentration camps, are the relatives of the Europeans… who kidnapped, slaughtered and forced millions of Africans and indigenous” into slavery.

Calls to “abolish the police” were joined with calls to eliminate “the Zionistic state of Israel.”

BLM Los Angeles co-founder: Nearly all White liberals in Los Angeles as “White supremacists”

BLM has also gone all-in with an anti-White stance, which is of course inherently racist and bigoted. As reports:

Black Lives Matter activists in Los Angeles believe that they live in a city that is filled with “liberal white supremacists.”

“So it’s important as we say things — like I see your sign ‘fuck Donald Trump,’ yeah ‘fuck Donald Trump’ — that we remember that we live in a city that is largely liberal white supremacists,” Dr. Melina Abdullah, co-founder of Black Lives Matter LA told an enthusiastic crowd in a video posted by the People’s City Council on Wednesday:

Abdullah, a professor of Pan-African Studies at Cal State LA, went on to describe liberal white supremacists as those who have “black friends that sit at the dinner table” and those who “speak Spanish.”

In case you’re keeping track: Black extremists are now anti-police, anti-America, anti-White, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and totally opposed to the rule of law

Thanks to the unwavering support of the NBA, the NFL and hundreds of corporations across America who are funding terrorist weapons acquisition by Black Lives Matter, Black extremist groups are rising up and become aggressive, violent and overtly racist.

They demand the killing of Whites and the destruction of Israel. They call for America to be torn down, and they demand the U.S. government give them a chunk of land so they can declare their own Black reservation or “autonomous zone,” which will no doubt be very quickly ruled by some Black warlord who carries an AK-47 and runs all the prostitution and child trafficking inside the zone.

In CHAZ, two young black men were gunned down by Black CHAZ “security forces,” and now an 8-year-old Black girl has been shot to death by militant Black Lives protesters in Atlanta. When you put Black militants in charge, this is what you get: Unbridled violence against Black people (and everyone else). Which is exactly the situation in Chicago where reportedly 79 people were shot over the July 4th weekend… mostly Black people, by the way. (Zero media attention on that statistic, in case you were wondering.)

Black militants are so mindless and insane that they deliberately tore down the statue of Frederick Douglas, an abolitionist who dedicated his life to freeing slaves in America. Douglas is a hero of Black history, but apparently his statue was too “offensive” to today’s ignorant Black youth, who are truly nothing but violent, lawless gangs who carry out whatever destruction, murder, looting and arson they can get away with. (And so far, the insane liberal politicians are letting them do anything they want.)

As all this is happening, 269 corporations across America are falling all over themselves writing million-dollar checks to Black groups that are funneling money into these terrorism operations. Those corporations include American Express, AT&T, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, Disney, Gatorade, Goldman Sachs, Hulu, IBM, Lowe’s, McDonald’s, Nike, Pepsi, Reebok, Subway, Taco Bell, YouTube and hundreds more. See the full list here.

This means hundreds of U.S. corporations are openly supporting an actual domestic terrorism organization that’s anti-Semitic, racist, violent and carries out murder against Black Americans as well as police officers. You want some fries with that hate?

Stop trying to appease insane, violent lunatics

We don’t see any of these corporations, by the way, surrendering their companies and handing over all their shares to Black Americans. Rather, they are claiming to support BLM merely as a way to try to increase corporate profits by pandering to the increasingly insane demands of Black militant terrorist organizations that, if they had the chance, would drag every White CEO out of every one of these companies and shoot them in the face then dump them in the river.

Stop trying to negotiate with terrorists. It’s a pointless exercise because there’s no limit to their demands. Instead, President Trump and the DOJ must do two things:

  1. Officially declare Black Lives Matter, Antifa the the NFAC to be domestic terrorists groups.
  2. Deputize all concealed carry holders across America with the authority to engage and help defeat terrorists wherever such terrorists are spotted.

Problem solved.

If Black radicals in America want to live in a society of peace, justice and equality, they should stop threatening to kill everyone while burning down buildings, shooting innocents and calling for executing police. But if they want a war, Trump and the DOJ should end that war as quickly as possibly by defeating Black militant terrorists with overwhelming force and the assistance of the armed U.S. public.


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