Friday, May 03rd, 2024

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James Baker Has Flipped… John Durham Building A Major Conspiracy Case According To Report

James Baker Has Flipped… John Durham Building A Major Conspiracy Case According To Report


From Mark Sidney at We Are Biased OPINION Blog

Former US Attorney, Joe diGenova, made a startling announcement that does not bode well for the Obama Deep State.

The first item he revealed is that lead attorney and Deep State FBI lawyer, James Baker has flipped, and is now cooperating with Special Prosecutor John Durham.

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That is HUGE!

James Baker was deeply involved in the attempted coup started by the Obama administration and continuing after Donald Trump was sworn in as president.

Secondly, diGenova claims that John Durham is conducting a conspiracy investigation.

This is huge because if conspiracy can be proven there will be much longer prison stays than individual charges against the same individuals.

Because James Baker was looking at a vast myriad of charges for his actions when he was at the FBI, he is now reported to have flipped. This was suggested earlier in Durham’s investigation.

Many people are said to also have charges lodged against them for lying to Congress. This could be the October surprise of a lifetime in the biggest scandal of this country’s history.

It has been rumored that Durham has already convened a grand jury in which he questioned several agents in the intelligence community.

From The Gateway Pundit:

Former US Attorney was on with Howie Carr again this week and he dropped some more bombshells about the current investigation of the investigators involved in removing President Trump and his team from office.

diGenova discussed the Durham investigation and said at the 5:30 mark that Durham is building a conspiracy case and anyone who lied to the court will be indicted for obstruction of justice charges:

The bottom line is this, it’s unfolding and what’s happening is, what Durham is actually doing is he’s painting a picture and not everyone of these acts is going to be a specific separate crime. But they are going to be, what’s called overt acts in a conspiracy. One to defraud the United States government. One to deny the civil rights of Trump and Flynn and Page and a bunch of other people.

During a status hearing before his sentencing date, the judge overseeing his case went crazy, accusing General Flynn of treason. deGenova explains:

I have no idea what’s in the mind of Judge Emmet Sullivan who used to seem like he was a really disinterested kind of noble guy. He proved that right in the Ted Stevens case. But his comments during the final status hearing before he set a sentencing date for General Flynn were so awful and so fundamentally stupid and we found out, we did an analysis, my Victoria and I did an analysis of the statements he made on the record. We got the transcript.

Remember when he came out and he accused the General of committing treason and started asking him a series of questions that the prosecutors, who were fumbling, they didn’t know how to answer him? He said in a series of statements, the judge did, exact words, line for line that Rachel Maddow had said the night before on her show when commenting on the upcoming Flynn hearing.

It’s scary and if that’s what this guy is looking at before he comes out on the bench, he came out after a break and apologized for using the word treason, but his conduct since then has been bizarre. I don’t know whether the guy’s sick, old or not ready for prime time anymore. It seems to be a disease that’s prominent in Washington DC. Biden can’t talk. Pelosi can’t talk. The judge in the Flynn case can’t talk. It’s amazing.

DiGenova went on to suggest that the President is going to pardon Roger Stone or do something before he’s put in jail. The judge in that case, Amy Berman Jackson, was horrible, as we’ve reported numerous times at this news site.

YouTube has removed the video- I’m sure you know why and we can expect more of this each and every day.

Censorship my friends.

This article originally appeared at We Are Biased OPINION Blog and was republished with permission.

*This article may not be reprinted without expressed permission.

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