Friday, May 03rd, 2024

Breaking News

Pelosi Set to Raid Billions in Veteran Disability Benefits.

Pelosi Set to Raid Billions in Veteran Disability Benefits.

Congressional Budget Office plays to the power

Before anyone objects to my characterization of this being all on Pelosi and her Democrat buddies, here is a quote from the CBO website:

The Congress sets CBO’s priorities. CBO follows processes specified in statute or developed by the agency in concert with the Budget Committees and Congressional leadership.

Translation: Dem leadership wants us (CBO) to see how much they can rob from veterans.

Never a fan of veterans who rarely support their party, the Dems are always looking for ways to take money away that has been allocated to them.

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A Democrat politician will step over a homeless veteran to get to an illegal with his hand out.

Those pesky veterans sport American flags and military bumper stickers on their vehicles, with an occasional NRA sticker thrown in. They own guns, bibles, and a copy of the constitution. They believe in family, two sexes, traditional marriage and are prone to speak their mind. Clearly a bunch of rabble rousers.

Here is the crux of Pelosi’s CBO recommendation:

Tax Veteran Disability Payments

In other words take money away that has been set aside for disabled vets and give it back to the government so they can give it to someone more worthy. Veteran disability take-home amounts were calculated based on the benefits not being taxed. A tax would amount to a severe and immediate reduction in benefits to millions of dependent veterans.

The goal of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability system is to compensate veterans for earnings lost as a result of service-connected disabilities.

Although the number of veterans in the total population is declining, the number receiving VA disability payments has risen each year. Both the share of veterans receiving disability payments and the average amount of those payments have increased.

Let me interject on two points. The number of veterans receiving disability has resulted from the VA being FORCED to process claims in a timely manner.

A large percentage of veterans died before their disability claim was processed. President Bush’s administration eventually began auditing the VA claims department, and the number of disability-eligible veterans rose accordingly.

The second point regarding disability payments increasing is deceptive in that the increases are tied to cost of living increases, which don’t happen every year.

The overpaid government asshole from the CBO that wrote this recommendation gets the same COLA percentage raise as a disabled vet, the same percentage of a much larger amount!

No one from Pelosi’s gang of miscreants asked the CBO to calculate taxing food stamps or welfare payments…why not?

Back to the CBO recommendations:

There are two proposals: Tax all veterans drawing disability, or just tax the ones drawing twenty percent or less.

Make no mistake, if Congress gets their dirty paws on the payments of veteran’s with 20 percent or less disability, they will quickly use that as a precedent to go after the rest.

Taxing all vets would give the treasury $93 Billion dollars over ten years, Taxing the smaller group would give them $4 billion over the same time period.

So, raising federal revenue on the backs of disabled vets is the ultimate goal.

There you have it. Look at all that money they can steal, and then give away to their uneducated, unskilled, un-American base! Screw the vets and their stupid disabilities!

The VA Disability system was never designed to treat disabled veterans the same as civilians. Disabled civilians weren’t blown up by roadside bombs, shot by snipers, or torn apart by rocket and mortar attacks, and they don’t wake up screaming from nightmares several times a week.

We can hope this never makes it to the floor of the House, and the Dems don’t get a majority in both Houses of Congress and (shudder) the White House.

We do know they are interested in taxing these benefits if they can get away with it.


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Raise HELL with your congress-critter and be sure and let your Republican representative and senators know about this.

Oh, and SHARE this link on Social Media, STAND UP for a disabled vet.

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David Brockett is a Vietnam Veteran and former Marine aviator. He writes fiction and historical fiction, as well as articles on politics, religion, gun-rights, preparedness, and current events.

For more articles from this author visit these sites:

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David Brockett


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