Friday, May 03rd, 2024

Breaking News

China Now Has the Power to Kill Over Half the US Without Firing a Shot

China Now Has the Power to Kill Over Half the US Without Firing a Shot

Over Half in US take Prescription Drugs

Add to that 150 million people all our residents that take suppliments and you have a pretty good idea what our exposure is to China weaponizing medications. Nearly all of our supplements and medications are made from ingredients procured from China. They’ve killed Americans before with tainted meds, and that was supposedly an accident.

If China just shuts off our access to these ingredients and medications they manufacture, our US hospital and community pharmacies will run out within two months, with no alternatives.

China has a stranglehold on 90 percent of our medicine

When you have powerful career politicians like Shanghai Mitch McConnell, Joe Biden, and a host of others in bed with your enemies, this is what happens. For over thirty years politicians have been taking bribes to give away our nation via trade agreements, and no one has ever been caught or punished.

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Now that the world is in a panic about the coronavirus and medications which may be needed to combat it here in the US, we discover that China not only infected untold thousands across the globe, they control 90 percent of the medication ingredients needed to produce a cure!

This from NBC News:

“China could potentially “weaponize our medicines. They can sell us medicines without any medicine in them. They can sell medicines that have lethal contaminants in it.”

“We can’t make penicillin anymore,”….. “The last penicillin plant in the United States closed in 2004.”

“Contaminated supplies of the blood thinning drug Heparin in 2008 led to the deaths of 149 Americans”

From the Seattle Times:

Millions of Americans are taking medicines made in China — medications sold in big box stores and pharmacies, administered in hospitals, and used by Veterans Affairs and military facilities around the world.

Over the past 30 years, much of the U.S. drug manufacturing industry has relocated offshore

The U.S. has virtually no capacity to make generic antibiotics used to treat ear infections, strep throat, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, Lyme disease and other illnesses

In five to 10 years, the U.S. will have largely lost its capacity to manufacture most generic drugs.

From Politico:

Rosemary Gibson: “Medicines can be used as a weapon of war against the United States,”

A single factory in China made the active pharmaceutical ingredient for a common blood pressure medicine, valsartan, that was found to contain a cancer-causing chemical that has been used to make liquid rocket fuel.

“Millions of Americans, including service members, rely on drugs to stay healthy — yet the United States imports a significant portion of these drugs’ components from China,”

From the NY Post re dirty factory conditions:

US factories no longer make generic antibiotics. So, if US-China tensions worsen, China could cut off antibiotic exports, throwing our hospitals into turmoil.

The GAO found that the FDA inspects Chinese drug manufacturing plants infrequently, at best, and some may never get inspected.

Even now, it has only 29 staff dedicated to inspecting more than 3,000 foreign manufacturing facilities.

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Here is a funny tidbit from last year

Adam Schiff assured Americans that his committee was going to be looking into US pharmaceutical dependency on China …HAH!

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David Brockett is a Vietnam Veteran and former Marine aviator. He writes fiction and historical fiction, as well as articles on politics, religion, gun-rights, preparedness, and current events.

For more articles from this author visit these sites:

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David Brocket


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